Über mich

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Eigentlich sollte der Blog "ZenHeisser" heißen, aber ich hatte bedenken, dass ich einen Brief von Sennheiser bekomme. Ich wurde in Taiwan geboren, lebte erst in den Staaten und lebe jetzt in Deutschland. Egal wo ich bin, versuche ich das Leben so zu geniessen wie es ist. ~ 常被遠方的朋友問到在德國的生活狀況.常常不知該從何說起那我就慢慢寫吧!我打中文真的很慢唷! ~ Just keeping friends and friends' friends updated with what I'm up to.

Sonntag, 7. März 2010

The Zoo in Taipei

Have visited the zoo and was hoping to see the 2 pandas. Since they were sleeping the whole time, I have only seen the 2 panda's derriere.

This picture is painted on the wall near the panda hall. I think it's funnier than some animal's behind.

The zoo is quite big and great for a walk.

Here's one sleepy Panda behind the glass! Taiwan is too hot for the Pandas, I guess.

Some weird-looking penguins.

Here are some monkeys trying very hard to igore me. I guess that's why they all show me their behind.
The entrance for this taiwanese zoo costs approx. 1.50 Euro; in Germany the admission costs around 20 Euro! Nope, there is no dinosaures in the German zoos.

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