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Eigentlich sollte der Blog "ZenHeisser" heißen, aber ich hatte bedenken, dass ich einen Brief von Sennheiser bekomme. Ich wurde in Taiwan geboren, lebte erst in den Staaten und lebe jetzt in Deutschland. Egal wo ich bin, versuche ich das Leben so zu geniessen wie es ist. ~ 常被遠方的朋友問到在德國的生活狀況.常常不知該從何說起那我就慢慢寫吧!我打中文真的很慢唷! ~ Just keeping friends and friends' friends updated with what I'm up to.

Sonntag, 6. Juni 2010


Since medieval times the Landmark of the city Braunschweig, there has been a lion named Heinrich in the city.....
Burgplatz with Henry the lion

Happy Rizzi House
Back in 1999 these buildings had arouse some controversial discussions.

The pop art of James Rizzi has not only put smiles on the buildings, but also on my face, too. These 5 buildings belongs to the must-see, I think. They are now used as offices and not opened for the tourists.

This beautiful castle is not really a castle.............
but a shopping mall inside! (Schloss-arkaden)

This is the right side the shopping castle.

walking in the direction of the old town......

I was quite surprised to see a Karstadt inside of the old house.

For more information about the city Braunschweig, see the following PDF


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